The Global Climate Convergence

by Nancy Price, Chair, Earth Democracy Issue Committee

It is very exciting to announce The Global Climate Convergence, a new national and international campaign that is “springing up” just in time for WILPF members, Branches and friends to join the Call to Action for Earth Day to May Day, 10 Days to Change Course.

The Convergence creates a unifying call for a solution as big as the crisis barreling down on us—an emergency Green Economic Transformation through a Global Green New Deal including universal jobs, health care and education, food and housing security, economic and political democracy, demilitarization, and an end to fossil fuel use by 2030.

Don’t forget that Global Warming/Renewable Energy is one of Earth Democracy’s sub-committees. Now is the time to start planning your local Earth Day to May Day event in collaboration with other groups to reclaim Earth Day from the corporations and rally round for system change not climate change.  

Earth Day, now designated Mother Earth Day by the United Nations, is Tuesday, April 22, but don’t worry if your event is earlier because of special circumstances. Very soon the Convergence website will go “live” with a map function so you may describe and register your event. There will be toolkits and other materials available. As many as ten cities will be highlighted as hubs for major Earth Day to May Day actions, so stay tuned.

This new campaign grew out of the Earth Day Conference at the Democracy Convention in Madison, WI, Aug. 7–11 that WILPF-US and the Earth Democracy Issue Group co-sponsored and organized.

Earth Day to May Day, 10 Days to Change Course

The Global Climate Convergence for People, Planet and Peace over Profit is an education and direct action campaign beginning this spring, with “10 days to change course,” from Earth Day to May Day.

It provides coordinated action to amplify and build synergy across grassroots justice movements that are sweeping the globe—rising up against the crisis of economy, ecology, peace, and democracy. The accelerating climate disaster, which threatens to make civilization as we know it unlivable as soon as 2050, intensifies all these struggles, and provides new urgency for collaboration and unified action.

The Convergence creates a unifying call for a solution as big as the crisis barreling down on us—an emergency Green Economic Transformation through a Global Green New Deal including universal jobs, health care and education, food and housing security, economic and political democracy, demilitarization and an end to fossil fuel use by 2030. It will occur each year at this time, building capacity for global collaboration—across movements and national borders—to harness the transformative power we already possess as a thousand separate movements. Clearly the time for action is NOW to create an Earth Day to May Day Action.