Jane Addams Branch Will Interview WILPF Members; Next Two JA Meetings Open to All!

by Dianne Blais
Convener, Jane Addams Branch

April 2023

The Jane Addams branch just got a mini-grant to record and edit interviews with WILPF members. These recordings will be edited and made available for families and friends. Snippets of them will be used to make a video as a recruitment tool. Contact me at dianneblais@aol.com if you’re interested in being interviewed and recorded for posterity.

The Jane Addams branch meets the third Wednesday of each month but in April and May our meetings will be for all WILPF members. On April 19, The Atom: A Love Affair will be shown. This documentary is being presented to WILPF members as a gift.  On May 17, Marguerite Adelman will discuss PFAs.  She’d like RSVPs with the localities of where attendees live so she can research PFAs in their area.



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